Gas Turbines | High Temperature Materials

TDS NiAl-Cr alloy
TDS NiAl-Cr alloy

The necessary significant acceleration in the development of new materials is to be expected, if the properties of materials can be predicted as a function of the material composition and the manufacturing process. In cooperation with the Helmholtz Centers Jülich, Berlin and DLR a research approach at KIT is chosen, which thoroughly connects the close interaction between the calculation and the analytical and manufacturing methods of the electronical, mechanical and thermal properties of material systems, structural elements and large components – from atomic to macroscopic scale. This strategy, in terms of strengthening modelling, simulation and verification methods is a new form of co-operation in the network of the Helmholtz Centers and for the first time a stringent overall approach to a cross-sector research in the material development.

Purpose focused material design and material tailoring for the specific application go hand in hand, by incorporating results of the modeling into the material development and vice versa by establishing direct feedback of the results from the characterization or analysis into the modeling.
Results are obtained by dedicated analytical tools resolving the chemical and physical processes relevant in the synthesis and application of pertinent materials, as well as by multi scale computational materials design, process simulation, and validated live cycle modelling.


Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
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