Toward an efficient, resource-friendly energy supply
This MTET research program aims at providing essential scientific insights and viable technologies for the energy transition in Germany and for the sustainable transformation of the energy supply and use worldwide.
To reach its ambitious goals, the research program addresses research and development work to assively extend renewable electricity production, and to integrate a higher share of renewable electricity into the entire energy system. This includes efforts to enhance the efficiency in renewable energy harvesting, provision, and rational use for electricity production, but also for the industry, heat and mobility sectors.
Aiming for a sustainable future economy, the closure of carbon, mineral and metallic materials cycles is mandatory. Therefore, the MTET research program considers innovative energy technologies and the related impact on resource processing in a holistic manner.
Content overview
In the MTET Program, we will face key material and technological challenges for the energy transition in Germany and worldwide. By developing fundamental scientific insights and viable technologies for a sustainable transformation of the energy supply, we aim for strengthening the role of the Helmholtz Association as a worldwide renowned leader. We have defined the following six joint and overarching objectives for the MTET Program to achieve these ambitious goals:
- We aim for scientific breakthroughs, visible scientific excellence and global leadership in all topics of the MTET Program.
- We will develop relevant and attractive technologies for the energy transition in Germany and worldwide. We will push their transfer into real life applications by collaborating with industry partners and promoting spin-off companies.
- We will provide a highly valuable and fully validated input to the Helmholtz Energy Transition Roadmap that serves policy makers and the society as a guideline for a successful energy transition in Germany; our data will contribute to a realistic assessment of the costs related to the energy transition process for Germany.
- We will recruit and inspire top research talents to qualify the next generation of scientific leaders in materials and technologies for the energy transition.
- We will develop world-class methods characterizing materials and evaluating technologies for the energy transition.
- We will provide excellent and unique research infrastructures for developing materials and technologies for the energy transition; by making these infrastructures accessible to national and international researchers from outside the Helmholtz Association we will strengthen the leading role of Germany in energy transition technologies.
AGW - Institute of Applied Geosciences
ETI - Institute of Electrical Engineering
HIU - Helmholtz Institue Ulm
IAM-AWP - Institute for Applied Materials - Applied Materials Physics
IAM-ESS - Institute for Applied Materials - Energy Storage Systems
IAM-MMI - Institute for Applied Materials - Mechanics of Materials and Interfaces
IAM-WK - Institute for Applied Materials – Materials Science and Engineering
IHM - Institute for Pulsed Power and Microwave Technology
IKFT - Institute of Catalysis Research and Technology
IMT - Institute of Microstructure Technology
IMVT - Institute for Micro Process Engineering
INE - Institute for Nuclear Waste Disposal
INR - Institute for Neutron Physics and Reactor Technology
INT - Institute of Nanotechnology
IPE - Institute for Data Processing and Electronics
ITC - Institute for Technical Chemistry
ITEP - Institute for Technical Physics
ITES - Institute for Thermal Energy Technology and Safety
Program Management
Visiting address
Helmholtz-Program MTET Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1 (Building 433) 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen Contact: Tel.: +49 721 608-28015 |
Postal address
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Helmholtz-Program MTET P.O. Box 3640 |

MTET Program Manager
Tel.: +49 721 608-28015

MTET Controlling
Tel.: +49 721 608-24709
Meeting Dates PK MTET
18. Februar 2025
13. November 2024
11. September 2024
05. June 2024
10. April 2024
09. February 2024
Steering Committee (Steuerkreis)
The steering committee (of the program MTET at KIT) consists of exactly one participant of the five MTET topics (topic speaker or representative) as well as the responsible head of division, scientific KIT program speaker and program manager.
Tasks / Responsibility
Develops proposal for budget allocation of the R&D Program Commission
Strategic program development
Implementation and monitoring of recommendations given by reviewer and HGF senate
Preparation of the Scientific Advisory Board of the research field energy at KIT and implementation of the comments and recommendations