High-Temperature Thermal Technologies
The Topic "High-Temperature Thermal Technologies" centers on the provision, storage and utilization of high-temperature heat from the combustion of renewable energy sources, from solar energy or from geothermal sources. To cover the electrical residual load and to provide sustainable heat for industry and households, we aim to exploit load and fuel-flexible gas turbines, advanced concentrating solar technologies, geothermal heat extraction, high-temperature heat pumps, and tailor-made thermal energy storage systems.
Besides the technical improvement of the various technologies, one major objective of the topic is
to demonstrate the benefits of their integration with low-cost thermal energy storage technology
for the electricity and heating sector, in particular by:
- the integration of a thermal energy storage with small gas turbines to allow for both improved grid support and fuel saving,
- the integration of a high-temperature heat storage (>700 °C) into solar thermal power plants to shift the energy production efficiently to high revenues periods and complement PV electricity,
- the use of geoenergy reservoirs to enable seasonal underground heat storage,
- the charging of a high-temperature thermal energy storage systems using high-temperature heat pumps powered by excess wind and PV for electricity storage (referred to as Carnot battery).

KIT's startup ICODOS, the Carbon CycleLab & NECOC provide solutions for circular economy of plastics, NET ZERO technology & efficient P2X technogy.
KIT news
The group "Liquid Metal-Based Heat Storage - Key to CO2-Free High-Temperature Processes" was recognized by KIT presidium as an official KIT junior research group.
Picture a Scientist - Portrait
A joint roadmap by Helmholtz centers (KIT, UFZ, GFZ) and Fraunhofer institutes identifies fields of action for a sustainable heat supply.
KIT news (in German)
with his work on "Selective precipitation of dissolved minerals from geothermal brines" prepared at KIT and Univerisdad de Chile (UCH).
website Foundation Energy & Climate Protection in German
Supervisors & students of all KIT faculties from energy research are invited to this event to learn about research topics, quali concept, & how to become active ENZo member
The GECKO project explores new ways of stakeholder & citizen participation in the development of infrastructure facilities for the energy transition. Scenario workshop 15 Oct. 21
KIT news (in German)
The main focus of EGW in 2021 is on high-temperature thermal energy storage. The EGW provides a platform for scientific exchange, especially between PhD students and scientists.
more @AGW website

BrineMine project: KIT researches the gentle extraction of energy, raw materials and drinking water from geothermal sources (BMBF project)
KIT press release (in German)
Prof. Sergio Galindo Torres will give a lecture on the topic above as part of the series "Computational Modelling for Future Research in Geoenvironmental Sciences".
Registration is required here
KIT scientists & partners conduct research into inexpensive & highly efficient thermal storage systems of the next generation in the BMWi-Project LIMELISA. Grant: 03EE5050C
KIT news
will take place next week April 14, 2021, 10-12 pm (CET) with speakers from academia, industry, and politics to share knowledge, experiences & discuss future scenarios.
Register @ EERA website
MoNiKa power plant technology hub: Industry & science work on energy-efficient technologies converting low-temperature heat into electricity
Congratulation: BMWi-funded joint project UnLimited kicks off with studies on geothermal lithium production: 12/2020-11/2024.

MTET subtopics Thermal Energy Storage & Concentrating Solar Power are strengthened by her contributions in the field of material behavior under extreme environmental conditions.
moreWhat role does geothermal energy play for you? The DeepStor accompanying project GECKO has been launched!
Technologien für negative THG-Emissionen: Am KIT entsteht eine Versuchsanlage zur Umwandlung von CO2 aus der Umgebungsluft in festen Kohlenstoff