Chemical Energy Carriers

The topic tackles efficient chemical and electrochemical conversion technologies to bridge the gap between energy supply and demand across time and different locations in the power sector, as well as applications in the mobility and industrial sectors. New processes such as power-to-X technologies are designed to convert renewable electricity into chemical energy carriers in an eco-friendly way with strongly reduced or zero emissions. These may include green hydrogen or synthetic fuels, for example, which can be readily stored and transported and are suitable for a wide range of applications in the energy system.

KIT focus Chemical Energy Carriers

Power based fuels and chemicals
Power-based Fuels and Chemicals
Technical Fuel Assessment
Technical Fuel Assessment


Katja Haas-Santo informs Winfried Kretschmann about the Energy Lab's research on Power-to-X: Methanation and E-fuels on April 17 at the Hannover Messe at KIT Energy Solutions.KIT
Katja Haas-Santo informs Winfried Kretschmann

about the Energy Lab's research on Power-to-X: Methanation and power-based chemicals and fuels on April 17 at the Hannover Messe at KIT Energy Solutions.

KIT news in English
Friedrich Merz Learns About Energy Research at KITKIT
Friedrich Merz Learns About Energy Research at KIT

On Monday, April 3, 2023, the federal chairman of the CDU visited Energy Lab 2.0, Carbon Cycle Lab, and NECOC (NEgative CarbOn dioxide to Carbon) experimental facility.

KIT news in German
KIT Researchers prepare feasibility study on large-scale hydrogen production and carbon capture by gas-phase methane pyrolysisLott, KIT
Sustainable hydrogen production

KIT researchers prepare feasibility study on large-scale hydrogen production and carbon capture by gas-phase methane pyrolysis. Read the OA-paper here!

KIT news in German
InnoFuels - National Project to Accelerate the Production of Synthetic FuelsKIT
National Project to Accelerate the Production of Synthetic Fuels

InnoFuels: Alliance of science, industry and politics links promising activities in research, development and application - federal government funds with 5 million euros

KIT news in German
Workshop "Negative Emissions Technologies at KIT"KIT
Workshop "Negative Emissions Technologies at KIT" March 23, 23

Prof. Sabine Fuss is one of the authors of the 2018 IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 °C and held a keynote lecture with the title...

Read more
MTET Energy Solutions at Hannover Messe 2023
Energy Solutions at Hannover Messe 2023

KIT's Energy Lab 2.0 will be the key issue: Europe's largest research infrastructure for renewable energies will focus on real-time systems for energy techs.

KIT Press Portfolio
Thinking big processes small - meet the engineers of CIW IN - Nework of Women EngineersKIT, Kira Heid
Meet the chemical engineers: Sara Claramunt and Laura

Trinkies, both MTET doctoral students, talk about their personal paths to their research areas in an interview with the chemical engineers network CIW-IN and share their experiences at KIT.

Read the Interview in German
Sustainable Kerosene: Accelerating Production on an Industrial ScaleTiziana Carambia
Sustainable Kerosene: Accelerating Production on an Industrial Scale

Federal Ministry of Education and Research funds projects for the decarbonization of aviation - KIT contributes expertise in optimizing catalysts

KIT news in German
New electrolysis processes for sustainable chemical productionKIT
New electrolysis processes for sustainable chemical production

In the cluster-4-future ETOS, researchers are developing processes that save energy and resources in the chemical industry and reduce carbon dioxide emissions together with 15 industrial partners.

KIT news in German
What is EERA JP on Energy Storage?EERA
What is EERA JP on Energy Storage?

The EERA Joint Programme Energy Storage coordinated by KIT officially launched its video at @EUSEW Energy Fair 2022. Currently, 39 research institutions and universities from 15 European countries are involved.

Watch the video @youtube!
On the Way to CO2-Neutral Flying  In the KEROGREEN project, researchers have developed an innovative production process for sustainable aviation fuel and built a research facilityKIT
On the Way to CO2-Neutral Flying with KEROGREEN

In the KEROGREEN project, researchers have developed an innovative production process for sustainable aviation fuel and built a research facility. KEROGREEN closing event: Tuesday, 27 Sep. 2022, from 08:45 a.m. at KIT campus north.

KIT news in German
Gamechanger in fight against climate change: reFuels suitable for everyday useKIT
Gamechanger in fight against climate change: reFuels suitable for everyday use

Synthetic fuels from renewable energies can be produced in large quantities and can already now be used in almost all vehicles

KIT news in German
Winfried Hermann informierte sich über die Forschung am KIT, dabei standen regenerative Kraftstoffe, Speichertechnologien, elektrische Antriebe und mehr auf dem ProgrammKIT
Minister of Transport Hermann visits

the Energy Lab 2.0 - the largest research infrastructure for renewable energy in Europe - at KIT's Campus North. Topics: Batteries, power-to-X, regenerative fuels.

KIT news in German
Net-Zero CO2 Germany - A Retrospect From the Year 2050HCI, T. Hildebrandt
"Making it a Success" Net-Zero CO2 Germany 2050

A Retrospective From 2050, 37 authors from all Helmholtz research fields dared to take a fictitious look at the year 2050, a year marked by the successful climate turn-around. >> OA-Paper


LookKIT 02/2022
ETOS is a winner of the 2nd Clusters4Future competition; This innovation network of research & industry establishes the electrification of technically relevant syntheses for production of basic & fine chemicals (power-to-chemicals)
The ETOS innovation network is a winner of the 2nd

Clusters4Future competition. ETOS establishes the electrification of technically relevant syntheses for production of basic & fine chemicals (power-to-chemicals) for sustainable chemical industry.



BMWK press release 18.7.22
Staatssekretärin Judith Pirscher (BMBF) visits the Energy Lab 2.0 at KITKIT
Judith Pirscher (BMBF) visits the Energy Lab 2.0 at KIT

to learn about the progress of research and innovation in the fields of energy transition, climate neutral defossilized chemical products & hydrogen economy. BMBF website

BMBF@Twitter 13.7.2022
Bioeconomy: Alternative Sustainable Feedstocks from Biomass Can Replace Fossil Raw Materials  KIT Researchers Investigate How Substitutes for Fossil Raw Materials Can be Obtained from Agricultural WasteD. Neukum / D. Wüst, KIT
Alternative Sustainable Feedstocks from Biomass Replace Fossil Raw Materials

Bioeconomy! KIT researchers investigate how substitutes for fossil raw materials can be obtained from agricultural waste. Read the Open Access paper in ChemSusChem 2022!

KIT news in German
Hanns Hofmann Award 2020 Presentation of the certificate of the Hanns-Hofmann-Prize KIT
Hanns Hofmann Prize 2020 awarded to IMVT scientist Dr.-Ing. Michael Rubin

for his pioneering work on the development of hierarchically structured materials and their linkage with innovative reactor concepts. Congratulations!

IMVT homepage
KIT helps the transformation - President Holger Hanselka: "We intensively promote start-ups" - Read the article in DIE ZEITKIT
Pioneer for World Changers

KIT helps the transformation - President Holger Hanselka: "We intensively promote start-ups" - Read the article in DIE ZEIT

DIE ZEIT web site
International Research Project CARE-O-SENE Develops New Catalysts to Accelerate Economic Production of Green KeroseneSasol
International consortium wants to boost the defossilization of aviation

International Research Project CARE-O-SENE Develops New Catalysts to Accelerate Economic Production of Green Kerosene

KIT news in German
Congress #KEEF22 in Berlin on Energy Efficiency; Energy Efficiency Research for Industry was discussed by 250  participants at the Tagungswerk Berlin organized by accompanying research EE4InG and PTJ on behalf of BMWK.KIT
Congress #KEEF22 in Berlin on Energy Efficiency

Energy Efficiency Research for Industry was discussed by 250  participants at the Tagungswerk Berlin organized by accompanying research EE4InG and PTJ on behalf of BMWK.

Industrial Energy Research
3 MTET Highlights @KIT innovation day NEULAND
3 MTET Highlights @ NEULAND – The innovation day at KIT

3 key topics for 2050s energy system are highlighted by Thomas Jordan, Roland Dittmeyer & Dieter Stapf together with aspects of technology transfer & business start-ups.

Register HERE! JULY 6TH 2022
3 MTET Energy Solutions at Hannover Messe 2022KIT
3 MTET Energy Solutions at Hannover Messe 2022

KIT's startup ICODOS, the Carbon CycleLab & NECOC provide solutions for circular economy of plastics, NET ZERO technology & efficient P2X technogy.

KIT news
FVEE recommendations for the next phase of energy transition
FVEE recommendations for the next phase of energy transition

Prof. Jörg Sauer (MTET) and Prof. Veith Hagenmeyer (ESD) contribute to the statement regarding technological aspects, digitalization and energy system design.

Document in German
Baden-Württemberg's Minister for the Environment, Climate and Energy Thekla Walker has appointed Thomas Jordan, Institute for Thermal Energy Technology and Safety, to the newly established advisory board for the Hydrogen Roadmap Baden-Württemberg.
MTET Scientist in the Advisory Board "BW Hydrogen Roadmap"

BW Minister Thekla Walker has appointed Professor Dr. Thomas Jordan to the newly established advisory board for the Hydrogen Roadmap BW.

Ministry website in German
Combined method of X-ray nanomicroscopy and nanotomography visualizes changes in the 3D pore structure of materialsWeber, KIT
Materials research: watch catalyst materials

Combined method of X-ray nanomicroscopy and nanotomography visualizes changes in the 3D pore structure of materials. Read the Open Access Paper!

KIT news (in German)
KIT researchers develop continuous-flow reactor setup for operando x-ray absorption spectroscopy of high pressure heterogeneous liquid–solid catalytic processesIMVT, KIT
Process Engineering: Increasing the Efficiency of Catalysts

KIT researchers develop continuous-flow reactor setup for operando x-ray absorption spectroscopy of high pressure heterogeneous liquid–solid catalytic processes | Paper doi

KIT news in German
Enabling Net Zero: a new Graduate School at KIT
Enabling Net Zero - What is it all about?

Supervisors & students of all KIT faculties from energy research are invited to this event to learn about  research topics, quali concept, & how to become active ENZo member

Peter and Luise Hager Prize 2021H. Kirsch, privat
Dr.-Ing. Hannah Kirsch wins Peter and Luise Hager Prize

...2021 for her outstanding work on systematic investigation of process integration of Fischer-Tropsch synthesis & hydrocracking with a view to the simplest possible ...more



more @faculty website

...shows project results that are important for CO2 neutral Germany up to 2050. Net-Zero-2050 is intended to promote the public & political debate on CO2 neutrality on various levels.
Wissenschaftliche Begleitforschung deckt Energieforschungsbedarfe in Industrie und Gewerbe auf; EE4InG, Energieeffizienz
EE4InG Project Uncovers Demand for Energy Research in Industry & Trade

EE4InG researchers, representatives from BMWi & Projektträger Jülich met for the final meeting at the ETA factory of TU Darmstadt.

More (in German)
Sektorenkopplung als Schlüssel für eine klimaneutrale Energieversorgung – KIT erprobt neue Strategien und Technologien im Reallabor – BMBF stockt Förderung aufBreig, KIT
Energy Transition: New Technologies for Sector Coupling

Sector coupling is the key to a climate-neutral energy supply. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research increases funding.

KIT news (in German)
KIT participates in all 3 BMBF Hydrogen Flagship Projects: H2Mare, H2Giga, TransHyDEBreig, KIT
KIT participates in all 3 BMBF Hydrogen Flagship Projects

H2Mare, H2Giga, TransHyDE: Research to accelerate production, transport, and utilization of green hydrogen in the MTET program.

KIT news (in German)
BMBF Appoints MTET Scientist in Advisory Board "Battery Research Germany"
Congratulations! Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrike Krewer

from IAM-ET, was appointed to the advisory board "Battery Research Germany" of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

BMBF Leitprojekt H2GigaPtJ, BMBF
KickOff BMBF Flagship Project H2Giga 26.8.2021

The Electrolysis Technology Platform aims to scale up H2 production to GW scale via industrialization of H2O electrolysis. Involved: MTET scientists from IAM-ET & ISTM.

more @youtube (in German)
Synthetic Fuels at KIT: Modular Plant in Successful Coupled OperationKIT
Synthetic Fuels: Modular Plant in Successful Coupled Operation

Power-to-Liquid facility at KIT's Energy Lab 2.0 with optimized reactor design directly combines synthesis gas production from CO2 with fuel production.

KIT press release (in German)
reFuels suitable for general useKIT
reFuels Are Suitable for Wide Use

Field tests show positive results for exhaust emissions - Life cycle assessment (LCA) shows significant CO2 reduction potential of reFuels

KIT press release (in German)
KIT joined 5 consortia of National Research Data InfrastructureBreig, KIT
National Research Data Infrastructure - 8 Consortia...

with KIT participation funded since 2020: NFDI4Cat focuses on catalysis research. MTET scientists Olaf Deutschmann (Co-Speaker), Jan-Dierk Grunwaldt, and Felix Studt are involved.


KIT news (in German)
reFuels @Effekte Festival Karlsruhe
reFuels - Panel Discussion @Effekte Festival 2021

How we will move from A to B in a CO2-neutral way is a fundamental question for the future. The project "reFuels - rethinking fuels" is one of the building blocks to find a solution.

Influence of variable CO/CO2/H2 synthesis gas in the direct DME synthesis
Mr. Stefan Wild wins the Best Poster Award for his paper

"Influence of variable CO/CO2/H2 synthesis gas in the direct DME synthesis" at the "Annual Meeting on Reaction Engineering" of ProcessNet (Würzburg, 12 May 2021).

Unlocking synergy in bimetallic catalysts by core–shell design
Unlocking synergy in bimetallic catalysts by core–shell design

Scientists from Uni Utrecht & KIT combine expertise in synthesis & theory to understand the catalytic behavior of bimetallic Pd-Au core-shell nanorods using quantum chemical calculations. (IKFT news)
200 Years of Hermann von Helmholtz - 200 Challenges
200th birthday of Hermann von Helmholtz - 200 challenges

On this occasion, we will be presenting 200 major scientific challenges of our time - the challenges (@twitter) that our researchers work on every day. (German)
Dr. Silke Behrens Appointed as KIT ProfessorKIT
Dr. Silke Behrens Appointed as KIT Professor

She strengthens the MTET topics "Chemical Energy Carriers" & "Power-based Fuels and Chemicals" with her contributions on model systems & functional nano materials in catalysis.

more @ IKFT website
Project KickOff: Solar H2 - Pure and Compressed
Helmholtz KickOff Meeting: March, 5 2021, 3-5 pm

KIT scientists & Helmholtz colleagues are jointly investigating solar-based production pathways of H2 regarding required pressure & purity of various applications.

 M. Breig, KIT
Renewable Energy: CO2 Splitting by Microwave Plasma

KIT researchers show in ACS Energy Letters that high efficiency is possible not only in vacuum but also at atmospheric pressure.

Boysen Award 2021S. Schäfer, KIT
Friedrich and Elisabeth Boysen Award 2021 | Congratulations!

Dr.-Ing. Marion Börnhorst won the Award for her outstanding doctoral thesis "Urea-Water Sprays in NOx Emission Control Systems".

more@KIT library
Serpens wins NEULAND Innovation ContestN. Li, KIT
IHM wins NEULAND Innovation Award (Most Innovative Idea)

Dr. Li, Dr. Link & Prof. Jelonnek (IHM) developed efficient & rapid prototype 3D microwave printing system SERPENS. Interview | R2B offer 688

Congratulations! MTET scientists participate in new collaborative research center at KIT

DFG funds new Collaborative Research Center "TrackAct" to understand catalytic processes at active centers in heterogeneous catalysts for emission control.
