Electrochemical Energy Storage (EES)
We are dedicated to electrochemical energy storage, which can provide compact and highly efficient storage for decentralized supply systems and sustainable electromobility: powerful, safe and cost-efficient. In a comprehensive approach, our research aims for
- new battery materials,
- new processes for cell production,
- new battery production technologies and battery systems development
for specific stationary and mobile applications.
The research on EES is structured in a "bottom-up" approach within the following three subtopics

In the Cluster of Excellence, we are researching batteries of the future - more powerful, more reliable, more sustainable and more environmentally friendly than current lithium-ion batteries. POLiS is a joint cluster of KIT and the Ulm University with the associated partners JLU and ZSW.
CELEST is one of the most ambitious research platforms for electrochemical energy storage worldwide. It pools the know-how of 31 institutes of its partner institutions: KIT, Uni Ulm and ZSW.
The Battery and Electrochemistry Laboratory (BELLA) is funded equally by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and BASF SE. It is part of the BASF scientific network on electrochemistry and batteries.
https://www.int.kit.edu/bella.phpCharged - the battery podcast / Geladen - der Batteriepodcast

Patrick Rosen and Daniel Messling talk to researchers about electromobility, energy transition and battery research.
With your help, GELADEN is the #1 chemistry podcast in Germany! Thank you for your outstanding feedback and the many topic suggestions! Your listening request to "patrick rosen ∂does-not-exist.kit edu" or "daniel.messling@kit.edu".
This podcast is produced by the Helmholtz Institute Ulm (HIU) and the Cluster of Excellence Post-Lithium Storage (POLiS) at Ulm and Karlsruhe. All info: www.geladen-podcast.de/