We are motivating & promoting talented young scientists from the beginning of their scientific career to leading positions such as junior group leaders or professors.

Talent Management

MTET provides structured approaches and facilities for talent management, from student labs for sustainable energy technologies to structured training programs for doctoral students to tools for advanced career stages.

Content overview


CIW IN - Network of Women Engineers

CIW IN - Nework of Women Engineers

Das CIW Women Engineers Network (CIW IN): From female master's students to doctoral students to scientific employees and professors, anyone can become part of the network and actively contribute. Many female scientists of the MTET program participate in this network!

Read more >>>

Picture a Scientist

The Sun Catcher

The Hydrogen Researcher

Portrait Alexander Navarrete Muñoz, The Plasma Summoner

 Picture A Scientist

Portrait Philipp Röse - A Conversion Artist

Picture a Scientist

New KIT Graduate School ENZo

MTET key themes are represented in the KIT Graduate School "Enabling Net Zero" under the roof of the KIT Energy Center.
The new graduate school ENZo

The new graduate school ENZo offers the next generation of young researchers the opportunity to apply interdisciplinary knowledge in application-oriented projects that can visibly contribute to the transformation of the energy system.
Future researchers are characterized not only by their desire to understand how developments and technologies can be embedded in the overall context of the energy system, but also by their desire to contribute to its sustainable design. MTET themes such as

  • Renewable Energy,
  • Sector Coupling Industry - Electricity, Heat, Chemical Energy (Sources), and
  • Circular Economy - Use of Raw Materials and Energy

are holisticly combined in the "Real World Projects" with the important viewpoints and aspects such as

  • Machine Learning and Digital Tools
  • Technoeconomics Assessment, Interaction with Society, Acceptance and Social Developments.

Embedded in the manifold technological and scientific possibilities at the KIT Energy Center, ENZo creates a unique development environment for PhD students.

Doctoral training of Early Stage Researchers in EU Networks

TOMOCON - A Marie Skłodowska-Curie European Training Network
Smart tomographic sensors for advanced industrial process control 09/17-08/21

EU Training Network TOMOCON joins 12 internat. academic institutions & 15 industry partners, working in the emerging field of industrial process control using smart tomographic sensors. Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant: No 764902

Project website
European Training Network POLYSTORAGE
European Training Network POLYSTORAGE 11/19-10/23

POLYSTORAGE establishes a EU-wide network to train 16 early-stage researchers in the field via doctoral programmes at local universities & in summer schools, workshops, conferences & research exchanges. M. Skłodowska-Curie Grant: No 860403

Project website

KIT and Helmholtz measures promoting young scientist

Karlsruhe House of Young Scientists

Karlsruhe House of of Young Scientists - central institution promoting junior researchers at KIT


Young Investigator Network for junior research group leaders & junior professors


Postdocs can interantionally network with partners of their own choice in 202X!

Schülerlabor Energie FTU, KIT
School Labs

Experiments about energy and science for pupils


TT-Prof. Dr. Moritz Wolf received the prestigious Carl-Zerbe Prize

TT-Prof. Dr. Moritz Wolf received the prestigious Carl-Zerbe Prize Leuten, DVV Media
From left to right: Dr. Gesa Netzeband (Managing Director of DGMK), TT-Prof. Dr. Moritz Wolf (Carl-Zerbe Awardee), Prof. Dr. Dieter Vogt (Head of DGMK Division Petrochemistry).

TT-Prof. Dr. Moritz Wolf has received the prestigious Carl-Zerbe Prize from the German Scientific Society for Sustainable Energy Sources, Mobility and Carbon Cycles e. V. (DGMK). The prize recognizes outstanding scientific work by young scientists in the fields of processing and application of carbon carriers, such as their conversion. The award, endowed with €5,000, was presented at the DGMK/ÖGEW/SCI Conference "C1 Building Blocks for Future Chemistry" on October 12, 2023 in Dresden. Mr. Wolf holds the Tenure-Track Professorship "Catalyst Materials for the Energy Transition" at the Engler-Bunte-Institut and is active in his independent research with a working group at the Institute for Catalysis Research and Technology (IKFT). His research topics focus on catalyst and process development for chemical energy carriers, for example via Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, liquid organic hydrogen carriers (LOHCs), or the conversion of CO2 into hydrocarbons.

Announcement at DGMK website: https://dgmk.de/en/news/carl-zerbe-award-for-prof-dr-moritz-wolf-from-karlsruher-institute-for-technology-kit/

Peter and Luise Hager Prize 2021 for Dr.-Ing. Hannah Kirsch

For her outstanding experimental and theoretical work on the systematic investigation of the process integration of Fischer-Tropsch synthesis and hydrocracking with a view to the simplest possible process design for decentralised plants for the production of drop-in-capable synthetic fuels, Dr. Ing. Hannah Kirsch is awarded the Peter and Luise Hager Prize 2021. Congratulations!

The KIT Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, together with the Peter and Luise Hager Foundation, awards this science prize annually and for the sixth time for scientific work in the field of chemical engineering and process engineering in the area of energy and environmental technology.

Peter and Luise Hager Prize 2021 H. Kirsch, privat
Dr.-Ing. Hannah Kirsch

Presentation of the Hanns-Hofmann-Award 2020 to Dr.-Ing. Michael Rubin

The Hanns Hofmann Prize 2020 is awarded to IMVT scientist Dr.-Ing. Michael Rubin for his pioneering work on the development of hierarchically structured materials and their linkage with innovative reactor concepts. KIT
Presentation of the certificate of the Hanns-Hofmann-Award to Dr.-Ing. Michael Rubin (née Klumpp)

The Hanns Hofmann Prize 2020 is awarded to IMVT scientist Dr.-Ing. Michael Rubin for his pioneering work on the development of hierarchically structured materials and their combination with innovative reactor concepts. The ProcessNet Reaction Engineering division awards the Hanns Hofmann Prize to promote young scientists in the field of chemical reaction engineering. The presentation by chairman Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Sauer was delayed due to the Covid-19 pandemic and took place on a sunny June day in front of the jet fuel container of the Energy Lab 2.0.

Finished Dissertations